Where There is Tea There is Hope

The world around me is currently dark. This is not a statement on current affairs or politics. I mean the world around me is literally dark! The power is out, and it is a cold winter’s day here. I am lucky enough to have a generator.

It has been a rough few days… lack of sleep (that crippling new mom lack of sleep), lack of energy, lack of sunshine (I have vague memories of a glowing orb in the sky). I can get through this as long as I have a nice hot cup of tea!

A cup of tea is a cup of peace ~Soshitsu Sen XV

Tea is my drink of choice. Those who know me know that I LOVE tea. I often get tea as a gift. My collection has become quite extensive – a tea to suit any mood or occasion. But, the best part of having a cup of tea is sharing it with someone. It is a time to recharge, reflect and connect. This blog is a place for me to recharge, reflect and connect with others around my professional learning.

Sharing my love of learning is so important to me. I want people to see and feel the joy that learning can bring. I hope that in my role I can spread the joy of learning… Maybe even over a nice, hot cup of tea.

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash