Where There is Tea There is Hope

The world around me is currently dark. This is not a statement on current affairs or politics. I mean the world around me is literally dark! The power is out, and it is a cold winter’s day here. I am lucky enough to have a generator.

It has been a rough few days… lack of sleep (that crippling new mom lack of sleep), lack of energy, lack of sunshine (I have vague memories of a glowing orb in the sky). I can get through this as long as I have a nice hot cup of tea!

A cup of tea is a cup of peace ~Soshitsu Sen XV

Tea is my drink of choice. Those who know me know that I LOVE tea. I often get tea as a gift. My collection has become quite extensive – a tea to suit any mood or occasion. But, the best part of having a cup of tea is sharing it with someone. It is a time to recharge, reflect and connect. This blog is a place for me to recharge, reflect and connect with others around my professional learning.

Sharing my love of learning is so important to me. I want people to see and feel the joy that learning can bring. I hope that in my role I can spread the joy of learning… Maybe even over a nice, hot cup of tea.

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash


10 thoughts on “Where There is Tea There is Hope

  1. I have the kettle on – we can share a virtual cuppa.
    Learning, to me, is a social thing – done best in conversation. And for me the best learning I’ve done has been when others have challenged my thinking. So looking forward to tea and conversation with you!!

  2. Welcome, welcome, welcome Caroline. I am excited for you as you take on open learning. The educational community of bloggers is open and welcoming regardless where their drinking allegiances lie.

    • I do keep a coffee maker in my storeroom for those on the dark side. That includes most of my family. They know never to ask me to make the coffee haha!
      But in all seriousness, I am looking forward to joining the community. I’ve been lurking for too long!

  3. Ms.Tea-na is delighted to have you on board the student success tea-m! What a wonderful blog!! I love tea, too!!!

  4. Caroline: thank you for taking the leap. You made me a little teary this morning, reading your post. I remember blackouts with new babies, though I was lucky enough that they were in summer. Not the easiest memory, and I’m so glad you know that a cup of tea, and a conversation can create light in the darkness. Will brew a cup when I come in from the morning shovel today.

  5. Keep blogging! I’m a tea lover as well. They go well together, tea and blogging. The best blogs start with the right cup of tea to get your thoughts brewing!

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